Kanzelhöhe Solar Observatory Data Policy
In order to promote the use of the synoptic data from the Kanzelhöhe
Solar Observatory for primary and correlative analyses in solar physics
and solar-terrestrial physics research we basically open our data archive
to public.
If you use the data available here on the WWW or provided in other
form, we ask only four things:
- that you notify us
- that you acknowledge the source of the data by following phrase:
H-alpha data / Ca II K data / White light data / Sunspot drawings
were provided by the Kanzelhöhe Observatory, University of Graz, Austria.
- that you send us a copy of resulting research reports and
papers before publishing
- that you check the relevant pages of special datasets if
there a more restrictive data policy applies.
We are pleased to be able to provide the synoptic data in
machine-readable form and to prepare specialized data products/formats in
response to requests. In order to assure the integrity of the data, the
applicability of our data to specific investigations, and to avoid
duplication of research efforts, we encourage you to contact
Werner Pötzi.