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KPDC - Continuum Photoheliograms

2k x 2k CCD Full Disk Continuum (Broadband) Photoheliograms at 546 nm (10 nm FWHM)

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Data Description - Contents

» Observing Programme
» Coordinate System and Image Orientation
» Data Levels
» Data Formats and File Names
» Daily Synoptic Data Archives Directory Structure"

Observing Programme

A. Patrol of the solar photosphere. Obtain a continuous time series of full disk continuum images whenever weather conditions permit. Instrumental cadence standard is 3 images/min. The cadence in the long term archives may be reduced to 1 image/min on periods with low or no visible solar activity by selecting the "best image" of that time interval.
B. Publish a representative daily synoptic image of the solar photosphere out of the time series.

Coordinate System and Image Orientation

Coordinate System
Basically the images are mapped as the solar disk would be seen in the sky with the eye, i. e. N is up, E is to the left.
Coordinate Origin
The first pixel in the data array is the left bottom edge of the image.
Heliographic Coordinates
P is the position angle of the solar rotation axis (solar N), reckoned positive from (celestial) N towards E.

Data Levels

A. Raw Level Data as written by the image acquisition software. Basically all data are in FITS, specific keywords denote properties which have to be recorded at observation time and cannot be restored or recalculated at a later time. A dark current frames (DC) is recorded each day.
B. Archive Level Basically raw data, i. e. the image itself or the pixel data remain unchanged but prepared for archiving and better usability. The processing comprises a quality check of the individual images and a cadence reduction. We avoid any rebinning, averaging or other pixel value manipulation except a) a shifting of the solar disk towards the center coordinates of the field of view (pixel array) by shifting an integer number of pixels and b) setting pixels far outside the solar disk to 0 for a better compression of the data. More keywords are inserted into the FITS headers to make the data compliant with common accepted data standards.
C. Synoptic Level A gain table correction (flatfield) which assumes circular symmetry on large scales on the solar disk ("Burlov"-method) is applied to archive level data. This method delivers also a center to limb variation (CLV) profile and therefore a "quiet Sun map". Dividing the flatfielded image by this "quiet Sun map" yields a normalized ("flat") solar disk image where the quiet sun level corresponds to 1 in the data array. In particular for the JPEG copies the contrast is enhanced by unsharp masking and a linear rescaling of the actual intensity range (e.g. 0...120% of the int. at disk center) to full byte scale (0...255), for individual properties of the data products see the formats and the data processing pipeline section.
The daily synoptic image is processed according to this level and published in various formats.

Data Formats and File Names

File Explanation
A. Raw Level Data
raw level image frame, 2 Byte integer, compressed FITS
raw level dark current frame, 2 Byte integer, compressed FITS
B. Archive Level Data
archive level image frame, 2 Byte integer, compressed FITS
archive level image frame, half scale, JPEG
archive level image frame, half scale, JPEG red, heliographic grid overlaid
archive level image frame, half scale, JPEG red, heliographic grid overlaid, CLV removed with Burlov method
C. Synoptic Level Data
archive level representation of the daily synoptic image, 2 Byte integer, compressed FITS
center to limb variation (CLV) profile, derived by the flatfielding procedure, compressed FITS ASCII table
normalized image (CLV contrast compensated), rescaled to by use of BSCALE=0.01 to 1 Byte integer, compressed FITS
normalized image (CLV contrast compensated), unsharp masking, intensity rescaling 40...120% -> 0...255, derotated for P and angle Θ, heliograph. coordinate grid, half scale, JPEG
gain table corrected image, 2 Byte integer, compressed FITS
gain table corrected image, unsharp masking, intensity rescaling 0...120% -> 0...255, derotated for P and angle Θ, half scale, JPEG
Flat field according to Kuhn-Lin-Loranz method, 4 Byte float, normed to 1, compressed FITS
Flat field according to Kuhn-Lin-Loranz method smoothed, 4 Byte float, normed to 1, compressed FITS
profile of flat field according to Kuhn-Lin-Loranz method, smoothed, 4 Byte float, normed to 1, compressed FITS
YYYYMMDD_hhmmss...date and time of the observation
The file names comply with the SOHO file name convention for synoptic data

Daily Synoptic Data Archives Directory Structure (rel. to web-root)

»go to the KPDC synoptic data archives directory...
Directory Explanation
...KPDC synoptic root
...FITS format subdirectory
...synoptic images, archive level format
...CLV tables
...synoptic level, normalized image (high contrast)
...synoptic level, low (normal) contrast
...flat field data - Kuhn-Lin-Loranz
...JPEG format subdirectory
...synoptic level, high contrast
...synoptic level, low (normal) contrast
...recent (last week) synoptic level, low and high contrast

YYYY... subdirectory according to the year of observation


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