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Scientific Objectives

Scientific Objectives of the working groups of AGP with experimental tasks at Kanzelhöhe Observatory are:

  • Physics of the Sun
  • Physics of radiative outbreaks (flares) and related phenomena
    Dynamics and the evolution of radiative outbreaks
    Energy supply and transport processes
    Creation and propagation of wavekind phenomena
    Solar activity cycle
    Dependence of global parameters such as solar rotation or total irradiation
    Evolution and comparison of several cycles - secular variations
    Asymmetries of the hemispheres
  • Physics of the atmosphere and environmental research
  • Radiation and trace gases
    Transfer of solar radiation through the atmosphere, transport processes and chemistry of atmosphere
    Natural and anthropogene influences on temperature-, humidity- and ozone budget of the atmosphere
    Climate monitoring

Data and observations for international data archives and for public interest are obtained from the scientific objectives and their related instruments:

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