Scientific Objectives
Scientific Objectives of the working groups of AGP
with experimental tasks at Kanzelhöhe Observatory are:
- Physics of the Sun
- Physics of radiative outbreaks (flares) and related phenomena
- Dynamics and the evolution of radiative outbreaks
- Energy supply and transport processes
- Creation and propagation of wavekind phenomena
- Solar activity cycle
- Dependence of global parameters such as solar rotation or total irradiation
- Evolution and comparison of several cycles - secular variations
- Asymmetries of the hemispheres
- Physics of the atmosphere and environmental research
- Radiation and trace gases
- Transfer of solar radiation through the atmosphere, transport processes and chemistry of atmosphere
- Natural and anthropogene influences on temperature-, humidity- and ozone budget of the atmosphere
- Climate monitoring
Data and observations for international data archives and for public interest are obtained from the
scientific objectives and their related instruments: